Most people know me as a Community College professor of ethics, Old Testament, and New Testament who goes on podcasts and warns people about what's happening in the world, who's behind it, what they want to do next, and what the Bible has to say about it.
You've probably heard me talk about Agenda 2030, The New World Order, the Great Reset, The Great Narrative, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and Society 5.0. Perhaps you've tuned in to hear about future technology like transhumanism, blockchains, AI, digital identities, social credit scores, and CBDCs.
Or maybe you found me through discussions about education, the border crisis, the healthcare crisis, or the supply chain crisis.
However you found me, I'm sure you quickly caught on that these messages of bold truth are an honest and positive blend of keeping-it-realism combined with hope, personal transformation, and divine assurance. I love, love, love being a messenger of grace and mercy!
Truth is, I want to help everybody become the best version of themselves they can be.
Here's the way I see it: EVERYONE has potential for daily growth.
Your past doesn't matter. Your present doesn't matter. All that matters is that you're willing to do something to be better NOW.
And you know what comes next.
Daily growth leads to weekly growth.
Weekly growth leads to monthly growth.
You see where this is heading, right?
Meaningful TRANSFORMATION and GROWTH in any area of your life!
Imagine where you could be a year from now. Five years from now.
More loved. More respected. More secure.
Now imagine if our whole nation was winning at life.
Who doesn't want to live in a kinder, fairer, safer, and more generous world?
But maximum potential for growth can't happen if we don't know how life works.
So why wouldn't we want to learn the simple, yet mysterious truths about life now?
We feel stuck in our daily routines and expectations.
We know the life we're living isn't sustainable.
See, we often get trapped inside the Cave.
(Philosophy professors can't help ourselves. At some point, we have to talk about Plato's famous philosophical analogy.)
We want a better life for ourselves, our children, our friends, and our neighbors.
We know we're meant for more, but maybe we're not sure how to attain it.
Maybe we're being treated unfairly.
We just want peace.
We're tired of crisis after crisis.
Healthcare crisis. Financial crisis. Supply chain crisis. Food chain crisis. Energy crisis. Climate crisis.
Our cave is crumbling.
Why are these things happening?
Can we really do about anything about it?
That's where I come in.
I'll help you get out of the cave.
See, I'm a perspective shifter, and
I'll help you see things from a biblical point of view.
It all starts from recognizing our interconnectedness and awareness of how the world really works.
A sustainable life, like a sustainable world, is one that operates in harmony with God.
To fix our world, we need to fix our hearts.
Just like God fixed mine.
You may not know I had a heart bypass surgery in 2023. Yep, a widow maker almost took me out.
How ironic. See, I'd spent the last ten years since my divorce in near isolation. I wasn't growing. I was surviving, but not thriving.
It was like I lived inside a darkened cave of misbeliefs.
"I'll never remarry." "Nobody cares." "I'll never make a difference in the world."
But worst of all, I felt like I'd been overlooked by God.
Until He stepped in and changed my heart.
See, I needed heart surgery.
And when I awoke in the hospital two days later, there was just one message repeating in my mind:
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you hope and a future."
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you hope and a future."
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you hope and a future."
I believe God wants us all to experience that promise.
But it implies we think rightly about God and our relationship to Him.
That's why I stand at the intersection of culture, religion, and politics, where I shift perspectives on the world’s biggest issues like climate change, censorship, education, the economy, and the effects of globalization.
Now what you probably want to know is how I got started talking about these specific things. Fair enough.
After reading the White House press release announcing the signing of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on September 27, 2015, I was convinced something catastrophic would have to happen in order for this agreement to be fulfilled. America would have to fall so a new, global power could rise.
Even though I've warned thousands of students since 2015 that something catastrophic might occur sometime before 2030, and that this event would dramatically change how we live, I couldn’t seem to figure out how to get the masses to heed the warning. It was frustrating.
I knew a plan was in place to destroy America’s dominance on the global stage, and I knew people needed to know, but I felt like I wasn’t being heard.
I wanted to help the world but I didn't know how.
What I didn't know then was I didn't need a global stage to have a personal impact on the world.
As frustrated as I was about being virtually unheard on social media, it didn't really matter- because just like I wasn't in control during my heart surgery, I wasn't in control of anything outside my circle of influence.
Then I realized something profound.
If the Bible is right- and I believe it is- the same people causing crisis after crisis- the Megistanes- aren't really in control either.
They may think they are, but in reality, they're following the biblical script to a T.
God sees all, knows all, and won't be mocked.
I find that so encouraging, because here's what the megistanes have done thus far:
Whereas the gospel story is the story of God's promise of world peace and His plan to save and sustain the world through the sacrifice of His one and only son, Jesus,
the megistanes offer an alternative gospel of world peace and a plan to save and sustain the world through the sacrifice of billions of our sons and daughters.
Their plan is called the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
If we humble ourselves and live God's way, we have reasonable hope for change.
But if we don't, we have reason to expect a terrible period of judgment just like other wicked peoples experienced throughout history.
Jesus gave us a simple formula to Make Society Great Again:
1. Fear God and keep His commands.
2. Love one another as we love ourselves.
The onus is on us.
That's why my message is simple, too: the secret to a peaceful, just, and sustainable world is to think rightly about God and our relationship to Him.
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